Why is the Jog-a-thon important to Vichy?
Thanks to the efforts of our Vichy community, local business and sponsors, the Vichy Parent Club is able to pay for all student fields trips, Garden, STEM and vocal music programs and instructors, as well as additional classroom enrichment and much more.
Your participation at Vichy makes a difference!
Important Dates to Remember
- September 18: Jog-A-Thon Kickoff
- Begin gathering pledges
- Artwork Contest starts
- September 25: T-shirt Art Entries Due
- September 23 – 27: Slime for Sponsors
- September 27: Early Bird sponsorships due by 3pm!
- September 30 – October 4: Pledge plans for prizes
- October 14 & 15: Spirit Days
- October 14: Pledge Envelopes Turned in to classrooms
- October 16: JOG-A-THON
- October 21 – 23: Pledge prize tickets turned in
- October 23: We did it!
- Final pledge collections turned in to classrooms
- Ticket Drawing
- Jog-A-Thon awards
Thank You to our Generous Sponsors
Family Sponsors
Bay Family
Boisset Collection
Boutes Cooperage
Curtis Cole Custom Hardwood Flooring, Inc.
Gerlach Ranch
Passarelli Family
Rodriguez Family
Vu Family
With Thanks
We are grateful to Howdy Dental & Hello Ortho
for their donation of reusable water bottles for each jogger!